Other Novels by Debra Goldstein;
Should Have Played Poker
A Carrie Martin and the Mah Jongg Players Mystery
“The first time I thought of killing him, the two of us were having chicken sandwiches at that fast-food place with the oversized rubber bird anchored to its roof...It didn't seem like the right place to kill him in a place they close on Sundays. Besides, Carrie, being a lawyer, you can understand I didn't want to do prison time. I decided it would be better to divorce your father.”
In all the ways I’ve imagined reconnecting with my mother, I never thought it would be on a Sunday morning in my office discussing why she once wanted to murder my father.
Should Have Played Poker is available from:
Should Have Played Poker Book Group Discussion Questions
Maze In Blue
There was no question that Denney adhered to the give-and-take rules of friendship her mother had drilled into her head when she was a kid, but after being at Michigan, her definition of friendship had been refined. To Denney, a true friend was there when you had the proverbial bad hair day. A true friend dealt with your PMS moments and a friend was there when you broke up with your boyfriend (the mystery man Denney still was waiting to find).