Our World by Debra H. Goldstein

The trees outside my window are bare. When we moved into this house a few months ago, the leaves were so plentiful I couldn’t see any of the other new houses being built in our subdivision. But now, although the tree trunks create a barrier, it isn’t the same. Then again, the world is not either.

We mourn the many loved ones lost to the pandemic. We mourn the time we’ve lost in sharing the lives of our parents, children, grandchildren, and friends. We mourn the sensation of a hug, whispering in an ear, a simple touch of kindness.

We complain that we are tired – tired of being in the house, tired of being scared when we go into a public place like the grocery, tired of masks (which we wear because we know they are essential), tired of Zoom/Crowdcast/Free Conference call, etc., and tired of having our grandchildren, nieces, and nephews think we live in a small facetime screen.

We are thankful if our family and friends are healthy, if those we know who become ill get well, that we have Zoom/Crowdcast/Free Conference call, etc. to stay in touch, that there is a vaccine that at some point we might get, and that we know there will come a day when this darkness gives way to light.



56 thoughts on “Our World by Debra H. Goldstein”

  1. You are fortunate to have such a lovely setting and view. It makes life and getting up each day something to look forward to and enjoy.

  2. Wonderful words and so true. Hate being scared to go out but thankful for todays technology .,At least we can still see our loved ones. Maybe not the same as hugging them but at least we can see their faces.

    1. Other than the few times we’ve seen the baby, she thinks we live in the iphone. But we are so glad that between pictures and the phone we’ve had the opportunity to see her change during the past year.
      It is horrible to be so scared, but at least we have ways to keep in touch. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Fortunately my grandchildren live across the road, so I can take them for virtual learning every day. They are actually getting ready to go back on a hybrid schedule. I’ll miss them on days they are in school, but a little free time will be nice too!

    1. So many grandparents/parents are saying the same thing. They cherish the time they’ve had with grandchildren/children that they never would have had, but it is a breath of fresh air to have a little free time.
      You are lucky your grandchildren live across the road. For us, they are in three different states.

  4. I’m a new 80 year old reader and can’t wait to get started on your books! I love the view from your house and it’s wonderful that you have family across the street.

    1. Marilyn,
      Welcome to my books. I hope you start the series with One Taste Too Many and zoom through them. They all are available as paperbacks, large print, e-books, and audible.

      the view is peaceful.

  5. I decided to reflect on what the quarantine has done for me and this is the first year (March of 2020 until February of 2021) that I remember in a long time in which I didn’t get sick. Every other year I’ve caught the flu or a cold but not this year. So I’m thankful for wearing masks and it is my intention to keep wearing them as it is worth it not to be sick.

  6. Allison McMillan-Lee

    I watch a beautiful park from my windows. I have to be careful going out as many who exercise their dogs do not wear masks still. But I love the sound of the birds and the dogs who love to play. Many who are disabled have to work remotely or have to live within their walls as much as they can, especially those with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity). For those, it is life or death. Now the whole world is in the same boat. So I take gratitude in each day that I see the sun, feel the ocean breeze, and hear the sounds of nature. Life is good when your heart and soul make peace with it all. My best to you all!

    1. I’m glad you have the park. It makes it a peaceful view and extends your home into the community. I hope there will be a day soon that you can go out and not fear those who aren’t wearing masks. (I know it will be a long time before I am comfortable without my mask). Be safe… be well.

  7. I am so grateful to my family. I deal with chronic anxiety and depression and not being able to see my children and grandchildren regularly has been so difficult. Now that the vaccine is out there, I’m hoping things will soon turn around again.

    1. I hope you’ve been able to receive the vaccine. Being able to see those you love in the flesh will make such a difference. Chronic anxiety and depression is not something to take lightly… and these times have made it more difficult to cope. I commend you for recognizing the link between what’s going on and how you feel and addressing it. Take care… be safe… be happy.

  8. Your blog really hit home. I haven’t seen my daughter and granddaughter in 15 months – that’s what I miss the most but I’m so grateful my other daughter moved closer to me. Now with the vaccine, I’m hoping that I can see my family soon. And live theater!

    1. I feel the same way about both things you mentioned. Counting down on the vaccine. And live theater… 2 friends and I went to a show shortly after the world partially reopened. It was community theater and they did everything right … social distance seating; limiting entry; limiting the number using the ladies at a time; masking; hand sanitizer; temperature taking…. we walked in and before we even sat down we saw patrons lowering their masks (despite ushers asking them to please put them back on properly)… we ended up in the back row where we could make a quick exit. Last show I saw and one of the last they tried to do.

      Hope you hug your granddaughter soon.

  9. What a beautiful sentiment. It sums it all up. I am looking forward to the day when things get back to as close to normal as they used to be.

  10. Gail Silverstein

    Everything you write is always so beautifully said, Debra. And as you said, we just want good health for our family and friends. I do miss lunches with girlfriends, dinners out with friends and family, traveling and visits to family. But I have had more time for wonderful conversations with family and friends that I cherish and that have made me feel closer to many of them. It is a small blessing that I have enjoyed in this crazy world. When the time comes that we can escape our homes, I hope that I still find time to continue to keep in close touch with those I have reunited with. Stay well, Debra. Love ya.

    1. Gail, You are too kind. I love your viewpoint and reaction to all that has gone on. You have had several blessings .. those you mentioned, the wedding joy despite the craziness associated, etc. I look forward to whenever we can again see other.. And, I hope as you do that we will appreciate the communication and closeness we have opened with others during this time.

  11. We all must work together and cooperate to do what we simply MUST do. The health and welfare of our society is of utmost importance. Prayers to those affected by the pandemic, as you mentioned. Like the old adage says “This too shall pass”. Be safe during this “crazy time of ours.😷

  12. Just FYI (and in case it affects giveaway in any way), I wrote the above post on 2/12/2021 around 11:10PM ET…thanks!😊

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