I Had the Best Intentions, But … by Debra H. Goldstein

I Had the Best Intentions, But … by Debra H. Goldstein

My goal is for a new It’s Not Always a Mystery blog to appear every other Monday. One blog per month is written by me, while the second is by a guest blogger who I believe you will find interesting. My guest bloggers have included New York Times and USA bestsellers, as well as mid-listers and writers who are about to have a first book published. Although the guest blogs usually have a tie-in to writing, mine vary.

On July 15, 2019, I blew it. For the first time in the years this blog has appeared, I failed to post a blog when it was my turn. My intention was to get a blog up, but life got in the way. My time was eaten up my personal non-writing things. Some were good and some were not, but in the end everything balanced out except the one blog didn’t get written or published.

I should feel guilty, but I don’t. The space still had a fantastic blog by Sue Ann Jaffarian that anyone could read (or re-read).

Instead, I used the time to force myself to step back and take a good luck at what is necessary for balancing the next few months. It was almost overwhelming.

Not only am I on occasional babysitting duty for my newest grandchild, I have two books coming out – on August 6, Harlequin Worldwide Mystery is releasing a paperback edition of Should Have Played Poker (https://www.harlequin.com/shop/books/9781335455468_should-have-played-poker.html ) and Two Bites Too Many, the second book in the Sarah Blair series is an October publication from Kensington, but it will be in the stores on September 24 (pre-orders will be delivered then, too …. https://www.amazon.com/Bites-Many-Sarah-Blair-Mystery-ebook/dp/B07MB4779P ), there are several conferences and other speaking engagements coming up, two more short stories dropping, and of course there are the demands necessitated by family obligations. And don’t get me started on the need to work in some exercise and make time to get together with friends.

So, I had the best intentions, but I’m not sorry I missed a blog post. I’ll try to do better in the future. Have you ever had the best intentions, but not quite gotten it done?

4 thoughts on “I Had the Best Intentions, But … by Debra H. Goldstein”

  1. Janet Silverman

    Absolutely! As soon as I saw your photo and the word “grandchild” I thought—this woman has her priorities straight. We understand.
    Take care 🙂

  2. Loved Two Bites Too Many. I love a cozy whose protagonist is not too-dumb-to-live! It looks like you have that down, too. Priorities! Congrats on that gorgeous grandbaby. Keep being a big part of her life. Blogging will be there tomorrow.

    1. Jeanie,
      Thank you for taking the time to tell me you enjoyed my book. Between One Taste Too Many and Two Bites Too Many, I’m hoping I have established a protagonist people enjoy (and as Kensington plans more books in the series, I think they believe I have). More importantly, thank you for commenting about Eliza. She is a dear and overshadows anything else on my To-do list.

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