Debra, thank you for inviting me to be on It’s Not Always a Mystery. In my case, the title of your blog turns out to literally be true. When I first began writing, with serious publication ambitions, which would have been around 2007 or 2008, it seemed as if mystery fiction, or some variation thereof, would be the only place for me. But that has turned out not to be the case.
As a reader, mystery has been in my blood from the get-go. Early childhood trips to the library, found me bringing home armloads of Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, and Bobbsey Twins, and from there I graduated to Sherlock Holmes, and eventually all the crime fiction greats. As I grew older, my tastes in broadened to include science fiction, fantasy, adventure, and literary fiction—really, anything with words printed on or in it—but crime fiction was always my favorite. And when it came time to put pen to paper, the shadowy world of crime and mystery eclipsed all others. My first two books are mysteries and that wasn’t even a conscious decision.
The idea for my first book just came sailing in, out of the ether, uninvited and unexpected—one of those strange what-if moments—and after years of wrangling with the basic premise, I finally found the story and the protagonist to carry that story. And even though I wasn’t thinking in terms of a main character who would return for another go-around, that’s exactly what she did. So, I assumed I was “home” and never gave other genres a thought…until my publisher decided to discontinue my series.
My initial reaction was to look inward, to wonder what I could have done different, that might have changed that outcome and improve my chances for future publication. After some contemplation, I decided to focus on the most important things over which I had the greatest control—what I was writing and how I was writing it. In other words, my story-telling and my prose-styling.
So, I reread my books, identified areas where I felt my writing could stand some improvement, then I decided to take on those shortcomings, one at a time. And the most efficient way I could think of to do that was to use the short story format—to devote at least one story to improving each of the areas that needed work. For me, this was a terrifying prospect, because writing short was not something I felt comfortable with. My history as an academic, and as a corporate attorney before that, had accommodated my natural long-windedness. But, short stories? Well…that was like watching a magic trick. I could see what the writer had done, but not how they had done it.
Unable to think of a better way, I identified, then read, then reread quite a few short stories that seemed to do well the things I most needed to learn. I was looking for the techniques hidden behind the veneer of engagement the authors had created—the sleight of hand behind the flash of illusion. After several readings, the stories ceased to entertain me and began to instruct me, and that gave me the nerve to try writing them on my own.
My first few stories were crime fiction, which didn’t surprise me. But it wasn’t long until I found that some of the things I needed to learn were best learned by attempting to write in new genres, and that did surprise me. Over the past couple of years, I’ve managed to publish a few science fiction pieces, along with some horror, and even one with strong romantic elements. And I’ve got several more, out on submission, that fall into the categories of science fiction, magical realism, and folk horror. Each attempt has helped me discover some new tools and to sharpen some old ones, but it took stepping out of my comfort zone and plowing new fields to get there. So, while I feel certain I’ll always write mysteries, I’m equally certain that it’s not always a mystery I’ll be writing.
ROGER JOHNS is a former corporate attorney, a retired college professor, and the author of the Wallace Hartman Mysteries, Dark River Risingand River of Secrets, from St. Martin’s Press. He is the 2018 Georgia Author of the Year (Detective·Mystery Category), a two-time Finalist for Killer Nashville’s Silver Falchion Award, and runner-up for the 2019 Frank Yerby Fiction Award. His short stories have been published by, among others, Saturday Evening Post, Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Mystery Weekly Magazine, Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine, After Dinner Conversation: The Philosophy & Ethics Short Story Magazine, and JOURN-E: The Journal of Imaginative Literature. Roger’s articles and interviews about writing and career management for new authors appear in Southern Literary Review, Writer Unboxed, Career Authors, and Southern Writers Magazine. Website: Blog:
You are an inspiration, Roger.
I agree with you, Grace (plus, he is a nice guy).
Thanks, Debra.
It was great reading an article about him. I used to see him at conventions, but I don’t think I’ve seen him since the pandemic.
I’m sure you’ll see more of him at some of the upcoming conferences. Hope to see you there myself, too.
Thanks for the kind words, Grace. Writing can be both humbling and exhilarating, and for me it’s been buckets of both.
Thanks, Grace. In my characteristic ineptitude with technology, I put my response to your comment in the space below Debra’s comment, below, so, please see below.
Thanks for stopping by today, Roger. Quiet insightful as to how to improve one’s writing – and the determination to do so.
Enlightening blog post, Roger. It reminded me of when I started writing, I tried several different genres to polish my skills and see what worked best.
I envy Roger and you being able to try different genres. My mind keeps wrapping everything back toward the same overall concept.
Thanks, Kathleen. I’m constantly amazed at how enlightening the work of other writers can be, and I’m just so thankful that it’s all right out there in the open for us to enjoy and learn from.
I agree with Grace and Debra. Roger, you are an inspiration and a nice guy. I am intrigued by your process for “improvement” (personally, I think your writing is very accomplished) and want to follow in your footsteps. Thank you for giving us your stories.
Thanks, Paula. It’s so good to see you in the message stream. I hope the method works for you as well, and I hope you enjoy the stories.
Thank you, Debra, you giving us this great message!
My pleasure, but the message belongs to Roger!
I have traveled much of the same path. Kept thinking me too me too. Lovely to feel empathy so early in the morning. Thanks.
You’re welcome, SJ. Writing can be a tough journey, sometimes, so I’m grateful there are so many good ones out there to learn from.
Empathy and understanding are all part of the writing journey… if we allow it to be expressed.
I appreciated reading about your journey as a fellow writer. Wishing you continued success in your work.
Thanks, Jacqueline, and I’m wishing the same for you.
Thanks for stopping by today. I always enjoy seeing your posts on SMFS.
You have introduced me to so many authors as well as recipes it is one thing to toot your own horn when you’re a writer of you caliber but to introduce and commend the writer of others shows a kind and giving soul and for that I am very proud of you though I don’t know you personally just through your wonderful work. Have a fabulous week and keep giving us readers that little part of you that you so graciously share with us your readers. Kat
Kat, I’m assuming that your comment is directed toward Debra (the “recipes” pointed me in that direction), and I wholeheartedly agree with you that she is a kind and generous individual, as well as a talented writer with a strong track record of supporting other writers and the writing community. I’ve known her for years and am proud to counter her among my friends. The world could do with a lot more like her.
Roger and Kat,
You flatter me. To me, the goal of this blog is to introduce readers to all different types of writers and concepts — and to make friends between the readers and the writers. Thank you, both.
Roger and Kat,
You flatter me. To me, the goal of this blog is to introduce readers to all different types of writers and concepts — and to make friends between the readers and the writers. Thank you, both.
Reinvention is something that successful authors must do constantly, no matter what comes of their book contracts. I myself have had to reboot several times as publishers closed. While it is like walking a tightrope without a net, it causes you to reexamine why you want to write. That’s always clarifying for me. By the way, I have the greatest admiration for short story writers, and they must do so much with so few words.
Hi Maggie. How nice to see your name in the comment stream. And yes, reinvention is the name of the game, as daunting as it may sometimes be. I hope your writing is going well. Let me know when you’ve got a new book coming out.
I’ve always admired the way you have been able to pivot and produce works of high quality. What you’ve said and what Roger has done are key for writers to understand and do.
Thanks for sharing your processes, Roger. I especially like the academic approach you took to analyze the weaknesses of your writing and attack them. You’ve proven that writing is a lifelong learning adventure.
With your eye to teaching and education, you of all people truly understand Roger’s approach. I agree with you that the evolution of a writer is a lifelong learning adventure.
Thanks, Saralyn. Writing is most definitely an adventure. And even though it requires a lot of self-discipline and constant self-evaluation, it’s still a great deal of fun.
As one who is beginning to think outside the genre, this was an enlightening post. Thanks to both of you.