We Must Remember by Debra H. Goldstein

Twenty-two years have passed since September 11, 2001. Twenty-two years since terrorists hijacked four airplanes to carry out suicide attacks in the United States. Almost 3000 people were killed and even more had their lives and families forever disrupted.

Many of us remember where we were when two planes hit the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. We remember reacting when told a plane had crashed into the Pentagon. Together, we mourned and praised the bravery of the passengers who revolted on a fourth plane, causing it to crash in rural Pennsylvania rather than reaching its target of the United States Capitol or White House.

Twenty-two years have passed, but we remember. We must remember.

12 thoughts on “We Must Remember by Debra H. Goldstein”

  1. A day I’ll never forget
    Still remember that day for not only that but because a very young coworker who was a man(his name I won’t say for privacy reason’s) however his name I remember OH so well because after he heard and saw what happened and we started talking he had the nerve to say to my Face this is not war it was just an accident or something like that don’t remember his exact words but I think I was in disbelief and shock at what he had actually just said to me.
    Anyhow May We Never Forget

  2. My son and cousin were both survivors. My son was head of Brooklyn College EMS when I called him to turn on the tv. He packed the bus with all the supplies in the storeroom and headed in. At the Bk. Battery Tunnel he had to stop as there were police cars and people running in air filled with litter and papers. Four hours later he went into the city and spent 24 hours in the hole. I found out much later that my cousin Harvey was also a 1st responder who had parked his car next to building one and started doing triage on whoever he could find.. Harvey died 10 years later on 911 while out fishing with other family members.

  3. I was a high school administrator in charge of the building on that day and rushing to implement the crisis plan. The image of the towers burning is the personification of evil, destruction, and hate.

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