DO YOU MISS IT? by Debra H. Goldstein
“Do you miss it?” Four simple words comprise the question most asked of me in the year since I stepped down from the job I held for twenty-three years and could have stayed in for life. “Do you miss it?”
My answer always is the same “No. Well, maybe a little.”
I don’t miss the structured days or the responsibility to be on the bench no matter how I felt because I owed it to the public. I don’t miss some of the petty changes in government that occurred over the years nor do I miss some of the internal office bickering. What I miss are the people.
I miss my daily interaction with people I cared deeply about. Not knowing about their lives, their children, their worries, and their successes or seeing their smiles of satisfaction from quietly serving the public can’t be replaced.
Although I recently lost my mother, 2014 was a magical year for me. The career change I dreamed about actually occurred. Not only was my first novel, Maze in Blue, reissued as a May 2014 selection by Harlequin Worldwide Mystery, but two short stories were included in bound anthologies, six were published either in on-line magazines or print journals, and one was selected to be read aloud on “Telling Tales with Ms.G”on Alaskan Radio Station W-KTOO. Even more exciting, I’ve already inked contracts for things to be published in 2015 and possibly 2016.
The outgrowth of the publications, whether online, as a conference attendee, at book signings, or when I’m an invited guest speaker has been an opportunity to meet fantastic people. These new relationships, even more than the thrill of seeing my thoughts in print, has been the most satisfying thing to me in 2014. The world of writers and readers has embraced me during the past year – and for that I am grateful.
Do I miss what I used to do? A little, but I can honestly say that in 2014, I jumped out of bed every day ready to experience something new. That is a joy for which I can only say “Thank you.”
Happy Holidays!
Do I miss meeting you downtown for lunch? Maybe a little bit. But it’s certainly trumped by our long lunches in the suberbs and hearing all of the twists and turns that have become a part of your life. So excited for you, my friend!
Well, we can solve that — let’s plan our next lunch downtown or in the entertainment district :).
Congratulations to you. Sounds like a big leap with even greater rewards. Hoping 2015 brings even better things.
Thank you. My fingers are crossed…except when they are on my computer. It was a big leap without any idea of how it would come out and while it has been very exciting and satisfying, I’ve still a long way to go in this learning process.
Hi, Debrah,
First, happy holiday! Second, no I really don’t miss my job much either. I also had a job for the rest of my life if I wanted to keep it, a tenured position. But I always wanted the time to write full time. My husband encouraged to take the plunge. I don’t regret it.
From what I can see, you have been most productive since you took the plunge. At least four books in one series, one or two standalones, whew!!!!! I don’t know how you juggle your time to accomplish so much. The one thing I’ve noted this year, in terms of other distractions, is that in some ways I’m now busier than when I worked.
Hi Debra, Congrats! Your first year in retirement sounds like a roaring success. Best of luck in 2015. Joanne 🙂
Joanne, your blog always has a day dedicated to second acts and you were kind enough to invite me to blog about mine early on in this process. Well,today you’ve been able to read the outcome of the first year of taking the plunge. It truly has been a wonderful second act with so much yet to come. Happy Holidays and may 2015 be healthy, wealthy, and prosperous for you and for whomever else reads this comment.
I keep saying the same thing–how happy I am for you!
What a neat reflection. We can forget how much life is supposed to be about the people in it– thanks for the reminder. <3 Riley Miller
Thank you for taking a moment to post a comment and become a part of my life.
As I am for you — can’t wait for your new book to come out in March … and shall we share the secret that you agreed to blog about it here on “It’s Not Always a Mystery” when it comes out? March or April as I recall.
This comment about the new book is a response to T.K. Thorne’s comment.
Congratulations, Debra! I know how challenging it is to leave a good job, one that society needs and respects, for the uncertainty of the work you want to do next. Nothing good ever came from NOT being gutsy — and that you are! So happy for you — and happy to be a friend across the miles!
Thank you, Leslie. Watching you … the only back to back (double that I know of) non-fiction and fiction Agatha award winner juggle the different series of books you are writing, work, and your SINC responsibilities… is inspiration for me. Ditto — friend across the miles.
Missed this reply. Thank you! So great to cheer and be cheered in return!
Hi, Debra — Great post. You have gone on to the next chapter in your life. And the best thing is that you are enjoying it. Congratulations.
Wishing you even more success in 2015.
Grace, thank you. Writing and trying to sell/place our work can be tedious, nerve wracking, disappointing and exciting. The best thing is that no matter the ups or downs, it is something I am enjoying. Probably because I’ve had the opportunity to meet great people like you. Success to you in 2015, too.
Debra- when you take something new on you give it all you’ve got —you bring your considerable writing and research skills along with a wicked sense of humor , throw in your passion for mystery, intrigue and telling a tale and you uncork the creativity that couldn’t be unleashed in a legal opinion and you have a 2nd successful career. I understand you may even get to know your way around the kitchen- what’s cookin in 2015 is a good ole pot of gumbo. As we say in New Orleans. Laissez les bon temps rouler!! Congrats on your successes.
Thank you! I hope you will continue to be a part of the good times in 2015.
Hi Debra. Congratulations on taking the plunge! And what a great characterization of what you miss. When I took a 3 month sabbatical to write full-time to meet a book deadline, I really missed my daily interactions with my wonderful co-workers. Wishing you much continued success 🙂
Thank you for your good wishes. I remember now some of the feelings you expressed as your sabbatical ended. Having met you, I know that you value friendships and people interaction. That truly is a balance with writing. Continued good luck with your writing.